All Online Courses

The Best online training courses, lessons, and testing for the PowerWash and Industry

Power Wash Essentials

Main Courses

Our 5 course bundle get’s you up and running quickly and efficiently. We will cover everything from starting your business, training employees, equipment needed, as well as house and roof washing. As an extra bonus, you will get our course on wood cleaning & restoration too!


PowerWash 101

PowerWash 101 is an introduction to the basics of pressure washing. This course is a must for anyone new to the pressure washing industry or anyone who wants to embark on building a pressure washer business.


PowerWash 201

Building on on PowerWash 101 we introduce students to hot-water power washing theory, equipment, & techniques plus the accessories necessary to be a successful expert power washers.


House Washing 301

Learn how to effectively kill and remove algae, dirt, and other organics from vinyl, cement board, or stucco homes. House cleaning represents a core business that every residential power washing company should understand and provide.


Roof Washing 302

You’ve washed the sidewalks, windows, and even the awnings; now generate more revenue by offering customers qualified, professional roof cleaning.


Wood Cleaning and Restoration 308

Learn to clean and strip wood without damage. Follow Everett Abrams on a simple deck cleaning and staining job to learn how it is done from start to finish.

Bio Risk Mitigation Services

Bio Risk Mitigation BRM

Bio Risk Mitigation is designed for cleaning professionals in the pressure washing and soft washing industries who are interested in disinfectants.

Christmas Light Installation

Holiday Light Installation HLTC

The Christmas Light Installation course is designed for owners of a Christmas light installation business. It is perfect for those who are just starting out and those who would like to improve their existing business.


Kitchen Hood Wrapping 325

Our Kitchen Hood Wrapping course will teach you the ins and outs of wrapping a commercial kitchen exhaust hood. It will show you various tips, tricks, and tools that will help you properly and quickly wrap most common hood types. Why risk the damage and cost?

Online Chemical Safety Training

Chemical Safety

This course by the PWNA is designed to give employees an overview in Chemical Hazards as they exist to a mobile contractor. Acid, bleach and surfactants are discussed with emphasis on Safety Data Sheet understanding and OSHA regulations.

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Course Bundles

Our 5 course bundle get’s you up and running quickly and efficiently. We will cover everything from starting your business, training employees, equipment needed, as well as house and roof washing. As an extra bonus, you will get our course on wood cleaning & restoration too!

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